I told you! She is made with a pink yarn and is decorated with a peppy pink bow on her ear. She looks extra cute with her little multicolor pom-poms :)
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Amigurumi Cheerleader Bear
Hey everybody this is my first bear in my A-bear-able amigurumi collection. She is a cutie I must warn you. Here she is:
I told you! She is made with a pink yarn and is decorated with a peppy pink bow on her ear. She looks extra cute with her little multicolor pom-poms :)
I'm working on my second little bear, and he is turning out better than I thought! Can't wait :)
I told you! She is made with a pink yarn and is decorated with a peppy pink bow on her ear. She looks extra cute with her little multicolor pom-poms :)
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
A-bear-able Amigurumi
Hey you guys! I hope you guys had an awesome Holiday! I did! Well I have started to search around the Internet and I have found something out...I'M OBSESSED WITH TEDDY BEARS!
So from now on I will be making alot of teddy bears. I spent all of yesterday brainstorming ideas and I have a couple and today I'm going to buy the materials I need to make them so get pumped!
After looking at Amigurumi Kingdom Flickr Photo stream I became inspired With making teddy bears. So, Im starting the New Year with... you guessed it TEDDIES :)
So far I have 7 teddy ideas, they are drawn and I'm not the best artist. Ha!
So I better go work on my poorly drawn teddy drawings. I just can't wait to show you all of my ideas! Be excited :)
So from now on I will be making alot of teddy bears. I spent all of yesterday brainstorming ideas and I have a couple and today I'm going to buy the materials I need to make them so get pumped!
After looking at Amigurumi Kingdom Flickr Photo stream I became inspired With making teddy bears. So, Im starting the New Year with... you guessed it TEDDIES :)
So far I have 7 teddy ideas, they are drawn and I'm not the best artist. Ha!
So I better go work on my poorly drawn teddy drawings. I just can't wait to show you all of my ideas! Be excited :)
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Amigurumi Justin Beiber Wig
OK you guys I have a funny post to share with you today I was trying my very best on making the head to this Valentine Teddy, and something went really wrong. I was brushing his head to make him look like the picture and I came up with this:
It looked like a Justin Beiber wig to me so I try it on a little stuffed animal I have laying around :) He is such a Justin Beiber wanna be. HAHA!
You can also brush the wig up and make it a Frankenstein wig and its adorable :)
If you want to make your own Justin Beiber wig just follow the pattern for the Valentine Teddy head until Row 19 and then brush and brush with a dog slicker brush and make any style you want :)
Well what I did was a fail. Have you ever failed like I did. Like you were making a thing and it turned out to be something completely different? Put Your story in the comment's box below. I love hearing you guys' comments.
Love you all! <3
Monday, December 19, 2011
Holiday Chick / Contest
Hey everybody! I have been so busy with Christmas shopping and getting some new ideas for my little amigurumi and so far I have had nothing but then I can across this little guy:

Isn't he adorable! I know right?! He has to be one of my favorites.If you wanna make one of your own you can find the pattern here. I love the little slippers and the santa hat I think that just adds to the cuteness factor. Here he is waddled inside a little jingle bell weath I found laying around...

I thought it would be a cute pose :) Sometimes I can just look at things and I get pictures of poses in my head it's kind of crazy.
Well you guys there is one thing I ask of you I really need some ideas on upcoming projects. I might be a little creative on poses but I'm not too creative on what animals to make. So, that's where you creative crocheters come in.
I need your help to pick some future amigurumis so if you read this and in your mind a light bulb pops up email me your idea with a name of the animal and a pattern.
The winning amigurumi will be featured in my blog and I will link to your blog so people and see what other awesome ami you have on your site. The contest will be ending on January 21, 2012 and then you will have to give me a couple days to make him and take pictures.
If you need to contact me just click the "Contact Me" page at the top at the blog. I really can't wait to see your ideas :) Till next time. Bye!
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Red Angry Bird
Hey! Im so sorry I have kept you waiting for so long this little guy took me longer then I thought But I was really busy this week so I didn't have to much time to work on him but he's finally DONE! Here comes the moment you have all been waiting for here he is:
Isn't he a cutie? I just think he is adorable! I don't mean to brag or anything but he turned out great! This was my first original pattern so I'm pretty excited! I really hope you guys like it! If you you really love him and want the pattern and I get enough people that want his pattern I'll write one up.
If you want the pattern You can email me or just comment in the box below :) Till next time. Oh and I'm looking for something to do next. Any ideas? Byee!
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Sneak Peek: Red Angry Bird
Whats up everybody? Well, I know I'm being a spoiler but I'm gonna tell you what my first original project is!! I can't take it anymore I'm making the red angry bird! You all know and love that cute yet angry red bird you see every time you click that ridiculously awesome app called "Angry Birds" Even though I get stuck on every other level I love the game.
I'm still not very far on him yet because the idea came to me like yesterday, so he's still a work in progress. He is pretty much just a ball, but he is coming along.
I should be finishing him maybe around mid next week sometime. Can you wait? Ahh I can't.
So make sure you subscribe so you don't miss a thing :) I know you guys can't wait! Can you? Aww I know you can't!
What project should I work on next? Put your comments below ;) Bye bye for now!
I'm still not very far on him yet because the idea came to me like yesterday, so he's still a work in progress. He is pretty much just a ball, but he is coming along.
I should be finishing him maybe around mid next week sometime. Can you wait? Ahh I can't.
So make sure you subscribe so you don't miss a thing :) I know you guys can't wait! Can you? Aww I know you can't!
What project should I work on next? Put your comments below ;) Bye bye for now!
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
The Invisible Decrease
Hiya! Have you ever been doing your amigurumi, you're so excited he is turning out so cute and suddenly you see holes when you start decreasing? You start crying because you have to rip out a some rows you worked so hard on. Ok, maybe I only cry but thats not important. I know how you feel it has happened to me. But I was on the Internet the other day and I came upon a miracle! The Invisible Decrease is my life saver.
Well I'm here to tell the amigurumi world about this amazing miracle. If you are new to crocheting you probably won't know a word I'm about to say.
You know how when you are decreasing they tell you to single crochet 2 together or single crochet decrease. Well they lie! Don't do it, it will make your crochet all lumpy and bumpy and...blah!
Since I'm no good at explaning instructions then I'm going to give you a video from one of my fellow amigurumi-ers Nerdigurumi to show you how to change your amigurumi life.
You should really take a look at this video. She shows you clearly how to make the decrease without making a hole it is like taking two stitches into one regular stitch, it rocks. Period.
So I hope you guys like and try it in your own amigurumi, if you do let me know I love to see I help others with their inner amigurumi-er!
So, here's a spoiler! You can expect more Christmas patterns and original patterns from yours truly, Muh. Byee till next time, off to work on my patterns! Ahh :)
Well I'm here to tell the amigurumi world about this amazing miracle. If you are new to crocheting you probably won't know a word I'm about to say.
You know how when you are decreasing they tell you to single crochet 2 together or single crochet decrease. Well they lie! Don't do it, it will make your crochet all lumpy and bumpy and...blah!
Since I'm no good at explaning instructions then I'm going to give you a video from one of my fellow amigurumi-ers Nerdigurumi to show you how to change your amigurumi life.
You should really take a look at this video. She shows you clearly how to make the decrease without making a hole it is like taking two stitches into one regular stitch, it rocks. Period.
So I hope you guys like and try it in your own amigurumi, if you do let me know I love to see I help others with their inner amigurumi-er!
So, here's a spoiler! You can expect more Christmas patterns and original patterns from yours truly, Muh. Byee till next time, off to work on my patterns! Ahh :)
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer
So could you guess who the little legs when on? Well You don't have to suffer anymore! This post will tell the answer. Yup, you guessed it.... our favorite reindeer with the big red shiny nose... Rudy!
Since the Christmas season is coming up, I decided To get in the Christmas spirit and whip up a little somethin' somthin' and this is what came to mind first!
Can you believe that this little cutie started off as a brown fluff ball with eyes and a fat red nose?!
Here are some angle shots. That Rudolph just loves to pose to the camera!
Here's a close up of his face, isn't he a cutie!
If you wanna make your own little Rudy for yourself you can find the pattern here. You might have to make a free account with Lion Brand if you don't already have one.
This pattern is very easy to do, but the trickest part of the whole thing is the legs to get them just right is kind of tricky. But other than that the pattern is very simple and fun! I love how it comes together it looks so cute!
Hope you like my little Rudolph, he always has a huge smile on his face ( probably because I put it there) But that doesn't matter. Thanks for reading! Till' next time. Peace!
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Sneak Peek!
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
A Very Bunny Love Story
Hiya! I'm very happy to be annoucing my latest post! Well, remember in my last post that I told you I like to make stories about my little critters? Yeah, so this is one of those posts. So, I finished my first addition to the family or two additions. Here's their story:
Once upon a time there was a young, happy little bunny. He loved to be in high places and sit and look at the great view.
He also enjoyed getting tummy rubs and relaxing.
But he soon became lonely and sad because he had nobody to play with.
Until one day he spotted something that caught his eye...
A lovely girl bunny was hopping in front of him
When they saw each other they knew they were perfect for each other...
They loved to lay back and stare at the stars
Occassionaly, they would go out and have a campfire and roast some mashmellows. Since then the two were inseperable...
There so cute! Don't you think so? I was inspired by Stephanie over at All About Ami. She is so talented! I like to put a little bit of a twist on some of her stuff. They are just so adorable! ;) If you are interested in making these huggable bunnies you can find the free pattern here.
Hope you guys like my bunnies, I worked hard on them. But it was worth it :) Who knows there might be babies in the future! If you make one for your own email me some pictures. Till next time <3 P.S. Have a AWESOME Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Hi Hi!
Hey everybody! This is my new blog, hope you guys like it :) So let me tell you a little bit about what to expect on my new blog. Well, when you first go on my site your a little confused with the title but in the next sentence you'll understand. I make little crochet animals called amigurmi and that is what my blog is about, creating a family of crochet animals (which by the way are adorable!)
I try to make my own patterns, but honestly I suck at making them so I find patterns online and sort of put my own little twist on them. I also tend to make little stories in pictures. Don't judge. It entertains me, ok?
Well, anyway crochet isn't the only thing you could see on this blog I might also sometimes post a thing or two about my "wonderful" baking skills. Mostly pictures not recipes.
So I'm really excited to launch my blog! I hope to be seeing you all soon. I will post as many post as I can a week so make sure you subscirbe so you won't miss out on any of the fun! Peace :)
I try to make my own patterns, but honestly I suck at making them so I find patterns online and sort of put my own little twist on them. I also tend to make little stories in pictures. Don't judge. It entertains me, ok?
Well, anyway crochet isn't the only thing you could see on this blog I might also sometimes post a thing or two about my "wonderful" baking skills. Mostly pictures not recipes.
So I'm really excited to launch my blog! I hope to be seeing you all soon. I will post as many post as I can a week so make sure you subscirbe so you won't miss out on any of the fun! Peace :)
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