Friday, January 13, 2012
Can you Guess?
Hey! A quick little post Just wanted to test your guessing abilities. My little bear has a earth in his hand, likes the color green, and likes to recycle. Put your answer in the comments below :)
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
New Yarn :)
Hey Guys! I went to the Hobby Lobby the other day and That place is HUGE so I deiced just to look for amigurumi related stuff. So I searched some aisles and I found my FAVORITE aisle in the whole place...the yarn aisle.
I could have bought that whole store but I limited my yarn (even though how much it pains me) to 3 balls. I picked out some yarn I like and I picked these three ^^ :) Now I need your help with what to make if you have any ideas or a suggestion just email it to me or comment below:)
I was thinking maybe a Hawaiian bear with the orange and I add my little twist on it :) I got nothing for the rest :( Love ya all :)
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Amigurumi PJ Bear
HEY! I'm so glad to be posting my first blog post of 2012! I have gotten a lot of great feedback on my Cheerleader Bear, so I finished my PJ bear as fast I as I could so you all can see :) So you wanna see? Oh okay, calm down I'll show you. Here he is:
What a great way to start off 2012, huh? He is sitting next to me right now :) He has bright green soft fur with a light blue sleepy hat and you can't forget his pillow!
I hope you all had an awesome New Year and you all have a blessed year. I can't wait to have a amigurumi filled year with all of my wonderful readers <3 be ready for some awesome bears in your future :) God Bless!
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Amigurumi Cheerleader Bear
Hey everybody this is my first bear in my A-bear-able amigurumi collection. She is a cutie I must warn you. Here she is:
I told you! She is made with a pink yarn and is decorated with a peppy pink bow on her ear. She looks extra cute with her little multicolor pom-poms :)
I'm working on my second little bear, and he is turning out better than I thought! Can't wait :)
I told you! She is made with a pink yarn and is decorated with a peppy pink bow on her ear. She looks extra cute with her little multicolor pom-poms :)
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
A-bear-able Amigurumi
Hey you guys! I hope you guys had an awesome Holiday! I did! Well I have started to search around the Internet and I have found something out...I'M OBSESSED WITH TEDDY BEARS!
So from now on I will be making alot of teddy bears. I spent all of yesterday brainstorming ideas and I have a couple and today I'm going to buy the materials I need to make them so get pumped!
After looking at Amigurumi Kingdom Flickr Photo stream I became inspired With making teddy bears. So, Im starting the New Year with... you guessed it TEDDIES :)
So far I have 7 teddy ideas, they are drawn and I'm not the best artist. Ha!
So I better go work on my poorly drawn teddy drawings. I just can't wait to show you all of my ideas! Be excited :)
So from now on I will be making alot of teddy bears. I spent all of yesterday brainstorming ideas and I have a couple and today I'm going to buy the materials I need to make them so get pumped!
After looking at Amigurumi Kingdom Flickr Photo stream I became inspired With making teddy bears. So, Im starting the New Year with... you guessed it TEDDIES :)
So far I have 7 teddy ideas, they are drawn and I'm not the best artist. Ha!
So I better go work on my poorly drawn teddy drawings. I just can't wait to show you all of my ideas! Be excited :)
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Amigurumi Justin Beiber Wig
OK you guys I have a funny post to share with you today I was trying my very best on making the head to this Valentine Teddy, and something went really wrong. I was brushing his head to make him look like the picture and I came up with this:
It looked like a Justin Beiber wig to me so I try it on a little stuffed animal I have laying around :) He is such a Justin Beiber wanna be. HAHA!
You can also brush the wig up and make it a Frankenstein wig and its adorable :)
If you want to make your own Justin Beiber wig just follow the pattern for the Valentine Teddy head until Row 19 and then brush and brush with a dog slicker brush and make any style you want :)
Well what I did was a fail. Have you ever failed like I did. Like you were making a thing and it turned out to be something completely different? Put Your story in the comment's box below. I love hearing you guys' comments.
Love you all! <3
Monday, December 19, 2011
Holiday Chick / Contest
Hey everybody! I have been so busy with Christmas shopping and getting some new ideas for my little amigurumi and so far I have had nothing but then I can across this little guy:

Isn't he adorable! I know right?! He has to be one of my favorites.If you wanna make one of your own you can find the pattern here. I love the little slippers and the santa hat I think that just adds to the cuteness factor. Here he is waddled inside a little jingle bell weath I found laying around...

I thought it would be a cute pose :) Sometimes I can just look at things and I get pictures of poses in my head it's kind of crazy.
Well you guys there is one thing I ask of you I really need some ideas on upcoming projects. I might be a little creative on poses but I'm not too creative on what animals to make. So, that's where you creative crocheters come in.
I need your help to pick some future amigurumis so if you read this and in your mind a light bulb pops up email me your idea with a name of the animal and a pattern.
The winning amigurumi will be featured in my blog and I will link to your blog so people and see what other awesome ami you have on your site. The contest will be ending on January 21, 2012 and then you will have to give me a couple days to make him and take pictures.
If you need to contact me just click the "Contact Me" page at the top at the blog. I really can't wait to see your ideas :) Till next time. Bye!
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